
Artificial Intelligence and Automated Contracting: Legal Challenges and Solutions for Companies
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the business landscape. What seemed like a futuristic concept just a few years ago is now a daily reality in sectors such as commerce, logistics, and financial services. One of the most disruptive developments is...

It is possible to recover the ERTE bonus for force majeure -without a declaration of responsibility-
Anyone involved in human resources management still remembers with a cold sweat the maelstrom that followed the pandemic. Confinement, recoverable paid leave, laws published every quarter of an hour (which in many cases amended the rule that had not yet lost the heat...

Main duties of directors of capital companies
The directors of a capital company are the persons entrusted with the management and representation of the company, which will be carried out, depending on how the company is organised, individually (sole director), collectively by several directors who may act...

The main shareholder’s rights in a public limited company (sociedad anónima) or limited liability company (sociedad de responsabilidad limitada)
1.- To share in the distribution of the company's profits and in the net assets resulting from liquidation Regarding participation in dividends, in the case of a limited liability company (sociedades de responsabilidad limitada), unless otherwise provided in the...

Can my lawyer represent me at the general meeting of a limited liability company of which I am a shareholder?
To answer this question, we should refer to the rules on voluntary representation at the general meeting of SL established in the LSC and, more specifically, in Article 183, which reads as follows: "The shareholder may only be represented at the general meeting by...

New regime applicable to crowdfunding platforms
On 29 September 2022, Law 18/2022, of 28 September, on the creation and growth of companies, was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).Its entry into force with regard to the legal regime applicable to crowdfunding platforms will take place from 10 November...

Asset imbalance and insolvency in capital companies. Directors’ liability
Article 363.1.e) of the Capital Companies Act establishes that companies in a situation of losses that have reduced the net worth to an amount lower than half of the share capital, unless the latter is increased or reduced sufficiently, and provided that it is not...

Capital increase in execution of the insolvency agreement. Novelty introduced by Law 16/2022, of 5 September, amending the Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Law.
Among the novelties introduced by Law 16/2022, of 5 September, we should highlight, in the corporate law field, the capital increase in execution of the insolvency agreement stipulated in the new article 399 bis of the Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Act, which...

Impact of Law 15/2022, of July 12, on equal treatment and nondiscrimination in dismissals
Last November we published an article on our website, which analyzed the possibilities of firing a worker who is in a situation of Temporary Disability. The conclusion we reach has become obsolete after the publication of the aforementioned Law 15/2022. The Spanish...

Unjustified capital gains due to the holding, declaration or acquisition of assets or rights for which the Form 720 had not been filed on time
In a recent resolution of the Central Economic-Administrative Court (TEAC) of March 23, 2022, a case is resolved regarding unjustified capital gains due to the holding, declaration or acquisition of assets or rights for which the Form 720 had not been filed on time....

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